
The NAACP: Nolonger Necessary for Black Empowerment

Someone should tell Ben Jealous and the rest of NAACP, their day in the light is up. In a time when there’s a black president and first lady, voted into office in spite of the organization not because of it – is the NAACP still relevant?

President Obama is not the leader of black America, much more than that, he is a symbol of what it’s capable of. Indeed, his presidency’s true significance won’t be truly understood for decades to come.

Think of black children born since his first inauguration in January 2009. To them, becoming a president will be an option they can aspire to and not just dream about.

The NAACP is always keen to tell black people what to ask of our leaders and not how to become the change we want. It’s a storied organization that has occupied an important chapter in American history, but alas its light has dimmed greatly.

It doesn’t confront most of the self created demons that haunt minority communities in America. Instead Ben and others of his ilk cowers from the true devils.

Why not stand up to the 50 cents or the Rick Rosses of the world – in their pursuit of fame and money they pollute young minds. Where was the organization before the American financial crisis?

Many financial experts warned of the seemingly low rate, trashy mortgage loans being peddled in minority communities. The NAACP didn’t see the dangers of that, then.

The world has changed and civil liberties that we enjoy today should be guarded fiercely. Impediments to the black community aren’t lurking in plain sight anymore.

Problem is NAACP is as blind as the rest of us; black people shouldn’t look for it to shine the way anymore.