Atlantis May Have Existed in Africa
Atlantis africa

Atlantis May Have Existed in Africa

The legend of Atlantis is one of the most enduring mysteries of our time. It is a mythical island that is believed to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean, but many believe that it may have actually been located somewhere in Africa. In this post, I will explore why the legendary Atlantis may have existed

Who is Rob Schneider? Check Adam Sandler’s Coattails.

Who is Rob Schneider? Check Adam Sandler’s Coattails.

So many people have shown their true colors since the election of Donald Drumpf it’s now hard to keep up. Jim Brown, Kanye West, Steve Harvey, Martin Luther King Jr.’s son and the list goes on. Now add a 90’s hack of a comedian – the term comedian is used very loosely here since this guy’s

The Website Theroot Says First Lady Michelle Obama Was Too Good for America, Are They Right?

The Website Theroot Says First Lady Michelle Obama Was Too Good for America, Are They Right?

She served a mostly adoring public but the backlash Michelle Obama faced was inescapable and at times downright deplorable. headline story asks if the First Lady may been more than the US deserves. Click here to read the full story at the   Related articles across the web ‘I hope I’ve made you proud,’

Don’t Shame Jennifer Holliday Alone, Black People Should Get Some of the Blame

Don’t Shame Jennifer Holliday Alone, Black People Should Get Some of the Blame

Dreamgirls star Jennifer Holliday won’t be performing at the Donald Trump inauguration after all. The singer’s camp hasn’t released an official statement to explain her apparent reversal in commitment to perform. Many in the black and LGBT community took major offense to Holliday’s rumored acceptance of the gig. The blaming and shaming shouldn’t be aimed

Dignified Beauty

Dignified Beauty

Sometimes a picture’s just a picture. Sometimes they speak volumes. The picture above is the photo of a beautiful lady in a market in Juba, South Sudan. The photo appeared as part of a story on the New York Times’ website in an article titled, South Sudan’s Fourth Anniversary Offers Little to Celebrate . The

Hannibal Buress Wants to Why Tiger Woods Suck

Hannibal Buress Wants to Why Tiger Woods Suck

Hannibal Buress is asking the question on everybody’s mind, Why is Tiger Woods sucking so badly now? Ok, not in those exact words but the sentiment was the same. On his Comedy Central show, Why, with Hannibal Buress, the comedian went to the streets. The streets in particular here is the notorious Crenshaw Boulevard, South

The NAACP: Nolonger Necessary for Black Empowerment

The NAACP: Nolonger Necessary for Black Empowerment

Someone should tell Ben Jealous and the rest of NAACP, their day in the light is up. In a time when there’s a black president and first lady, voted into office in spite of the organization not because of it – is the NAACP still relevant? President Obama is not the leader of black America,

General Colin Powell: Kids Need Structure

General Colin Powell: Kids Need Structure

General Colin Powel gave a beautiful speech to the Ted conference about the importance of discipline to young people. The general outlined how discipline gained from the army, placed him on the path to success.