
Equalizer Will be Denzel’s Biggest Movie Ever

Sure Denzel Washington is the most reliable boxoffice draw in Hollywood today. He is currently the closest thing to a sure bet in movies now. Not surprising then after steadily building an an uncompromising brand for the last 20 years or so.

The Equalizer though will be Washington’s most profitable film in a while if not ever. His films have been solid performers but really they aren’t mega grossers like say Will Smith’s films. This is because Denzel primarily stars in R-rated movies which are notoriously difficult to recoup their budget and then make a profit – in short, they have a substantially smaller audience.

The Equalizer is R-rated, but it’s mix of superb marketing and director Antoine Fuqua’s skilled direction have combined to make this film a very profitable movie, thus far grossing over $142 million worldwide (from a reported $50 mill budget).