President Cancels Asia Business Summit Because of Ongoing Govenrment Shutdown

President Cancels Asia Business Summit Because of Ongoing Govenrment Shutdown

  President Obama cancels two summits today, at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) meeting in Indonesia. A Whitehouse press release said there is “difficulty in moving forward with foreign travel in the face of a shutdown”. The US government closed non-essential operations after the two houses of Congress failed to agree a new budget. The

Potus Comes Out Swinging in State of the Union 2012

Potus Comes Out Swinging in State of the Union 2012

  President Obama delivered his most rousing state of the union speech yet, the 3rd such, in what is now a much storied administration. Most of his ardent watchers have always been worried that the administration doesn’t trumpet their successes more.   Well the commander in chief himself took to the trumpet and delivered perhaps